“It was a little after 10pm on a Sunday night, and a PCSO detective was in his residence in the Haven of Winter.
Suddenly, a crash was heard outside.
The detective ran outside to find that a brown 2018 Mazda 6 had slammed into the detective’s agency-issued Ford Fusion. The driver of the Mazda put his car in reverse and backed into a green 2014 Chevy Cruze that was parked on the opposite side of the street.
The driver was Lamont, who lives in the same neighborhood.

Lamont told deputies that he lost control of his vehicle when his dog attempted to jump out the window from his lap.
However, the deputies believed that Lamont’s slurred speech, watery, bloodshot eyes, and breath that reeked of booze, may have indicated another cause for the crash.
A field-sobriety test was administered to Lamont, and he didn’t perform very well.
Lamont was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.
He was taken to Grady Judd’s Bed & Breakfast and provided a guestroom for the night.
Lamont refused to partake in the featured activity at the B&B that night, which was providing breath samples.
He was charged with DUI, DUI with Property Damage (2-counts), and Driving with a License that had expired in 2020.
Lamont’s Yorkie was uninjured, and was not charged with any crimes.”