On November 5, 2024 at 5:21 p.m. a call came in to dispatch and was labeled a “water rescue” at 2000 Pamela Drive in Winter Haven, right at Lake Eloise and Lake Lulu. (though it was not an actual rescue as labeled.)
The incident was actually a boat taking on water.
We reached out to Polk County Fire Rescue’s Public Information Officer Nathaniel Gale and he advised no actual rescue was needed or took place. The individual just needed assistance with the boat.
Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked the call. Brian Bruchey, PCSO Public Information Officer advised no marine units were needed.
A motor supposedly “fell off” the back of a boat and the boat started taking on water. There was only one occupant, a teenager, operating the boat. Another boater was in the vicinity and came to assist the young man and took him to shore safely.
County worked the scene for roughly two hours.
There were no injuries and everyone was safe.
The reason the call lasted so long was because they had to get a county boat out to drag the broken down boat in.