More Than 63 Parcels of Land Approved to Have Their Future Land Use Amended from Traditional Neighborhood to Mixed Use
by James Coulter
Bigger, more diverse developments are coming to 63 parcels of land now that their future land use designations will be amended from Traditional Neighborhood and Neighborhood to Primary Mixed-Use Hub.

At their regular meeting on Mon. Sep. 23, Winter Haven City Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the first reading of an ordinance on these proposed future land use amendments.
The 63 parcels are contained within 14+ acres of land located along Martin Luther King Boulevard, between Third Street, NE and Eighth Street, NE.
Currently, 52 of the 63 parcels have been developed, with at least 11 vacant lots (which are less than an acre in size). Of these parcels, 36 are currently being used as single-family residential, 5 as duplexes, 5 as commercial use, and 4 as multi-family residential.
However, these parcels are being considered by their property owners for mixed-use developments, with requests to have their future land use designations amended accordingly to accommodate these proposed developments, explained Sean Byers, Planning Manager for the City of Winter Haven.
“Assignment of Primary Mixed-Use Hub Future Land Use will aid in implementing the 2022 Florence Villa CRA Plan Goal 1 by enabling the retention and recruitment of businesses along Martin Luther King Boulevard…[and] will allow the current MX zoning assigned to the subject area to be fully utilized by property owners,” he wrote.