American Legion’s Winter Haven Tag Agency Permanently Closes
By Allison Williams
A lot of local citizens are unclear on what exactly happened with the Winter Haven Legion Tag Agency.
A few days ago, it was posted in a local Winter Haven Facebook group that there was a sign on the outside of the tag agency’s building stating “The Winter Haven Tag Agency is closed.”

This brought up a lot of questions, speculation and confusion. Is it closed temporarily? Is it closed for good? Why?
The Tax Collector for Polk County cleared things up with its recent announcement of the permanent closure of the Winter Haven Tag Agency.
The Winter Haven Tag Agency served community members and citizens in the Winter Haven area for nearly 70 years.
The American Legion is now focusing its efforts more on what they call the “traditional American Legion initiatives” and is leaving the tag agency chapter behind.
Joe G. Tedder, Tax Collector for Polk County, says “The Legion has been an amazing asset for auto dealers, the people of Winter Haven, and the residents in East Polk County for many years. When I became the Tax Collector in January of 1997, I was excited about the public/private relationship with the Legion and was honored to have a small part in helping that outstanding organization.”
Over the past few years, the fee structure that’s in place has made it very difficult for the Winter Haven Tag Agency to successfully serve the citizens.
Under Florida law, there has been a fee structure in place that has remained unchanged over a long period of time. This has caused a challenge for the Winter Haven Tag Agency. According to the tax collector website, “By state statute, the fees the Legion and the Tax Collector’s Office receive to run its operations have not changed in 40 years.”
Tedder made the point that no organization is able to survive off of a revenue stream that has remained unchanged for so long. With the fees being the same today as they were many years ago, it just wasn’t feasible anymore.
Also according to the tax collector website, “Under a unique state law created in the 1950s, all vehicle registration and title work outside of Bartow was authorized to be conducted by local American Legion Posts in the remainder of Polk County. It is a testament to the Veterans at the Winter Haven American Legion Post 8, including staff, that their service to the public well exceeded the longevity experienced by similar civic organizations.
The Post 8 Executive Committee and Post Commander Dave Dershimer came to this difficult decision after great consideration of their options, including the opportunity to operate under a private tag agency model, as established under Florida Statutes in 2022.”
The Tax Collector’s Office is doing its best to look at the available alternative options to serve the Winter Haven community and its residents.

Here is a list of other operating service locations in the area:
Bartow Service Center – 430 East Main St
Davenport Service Center – 2000 Deer Creek Commerce Ln
Lake Alfred Service Center – 200 Government Center Blvd
Lake Wales Service Center – 658 State Road 60
Lakeland Service Center – 916 N Massachusetts Ave
First Lakeland Tag Agency (FLTA) – 4130 Florida Avenue S
FLTA Davenport Dealer Only Service Desk – 2000 Deer Creek Commerce Ln
Note: Dealers are directed to use First Lakeland Tag Agency locations.