Obituary for Chloe Elizabeth Goodwin
June 3, 2024 – July 6, 2024

“Chloe Elizabeth Goodwin, 33 days old passed away in the arms of her family at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital on July 6, 2024. Born to Casey and Melinda Goodwin on June 3, 2024. Chloe had weight in this world…4lbs and 3 oz to be exact. She brought immense joy and purpose to every life she touched during her brief time here on earth.
Chloe is the baby sister to Caleb, Sarah, Jacob and Hannah. She is celebrated by paternal grandparents Michael and Sheba Goodwin and maternal grandparents Mary (David) Stieglbauer. She is preceded in death by maternal grandfather Mitchell Harvey. Chloe is also celebrated by several aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.
A celebration of life service will be held at The Haven Church of God Monday July 15, 2024. Family and Friends will gather at 10am and Service will be at 11am. Intermet will follow with a butterfly release at Glen Abbey Memorial Gardens.
Chloe gave us a lifetime of love and she will be missed by all who knew and loved her.”