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Winter Haven Man Charged With Attempted Murder After Driving Off With Victim On His Car

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Lake Wales, Florida – On July 27, 2022 law enforcement officers arrested Douglass Booher, DOB 8/12/88, of Winter Haven charging him with attempted murder among other charges. The charges stem from an incident that occurred at the Wawa gas station at 23623 Hwy 27, Lake Wales, Florida. According to reports Douglas Booher met up with the victim to buy a gold chain. What transpired next was a wild ride!

Below is the arrest affidavit.

It should be noted that this is an unedited, but redacted, report of facts by the LWPD. These facts are up for question and everyone is entitled to question the validity of facts by law enforcement in a court of law. The Lake Wales Daily does not rewrite these facts as some meanings or interpretations could be in error and change context. We hope readers appreciate being able to read the information and come to their own understanding and conclusions:

“On July 27, 2022, I responded to the above location to investigate the above offences. 

Upon my arrival I met with Sgt. Figueroa who advised THE VICTIM met with a, Doug Booher
to sell something off of Facebook Marketplace. Sgt. Figueroa said the suspect, Booher, snatched the item THE VICTIM was attempting to sell and tried to flee in his vehicle. THE VICTIM jumped on top of the vehicle and was thrown off of the vehicle iust north of Peddlers Pond Communitv onto Highway 27 Lake Wales. Polk County. Florida. THE VICTIM
was transported to Lakeland Regional Medical Center via Polk Count Emergency Services with
serious injuries including a brain bleed.

On scene I observed blood splatter on the roadway, a bottle of water and a blanket next to the blood splatter. I also observed a pair of brown dress shoes belonging to THE VICTIM. THE VICTIM’s cellphone was found further down the road along with cash and the key fob to THE VICTIM. 

I obtained a statement from witnesses. The witness REDACTED , said she was driving on Chalet Suzanne Road west bound when she seen an SUV with someone on top of it. REDACTED said she followed the vehicle because she was going to take a picture of the tag. REDACTED said the vehicle got into the turn lane and abruptly swerved back out of the turn lane and went around a vehicle, ran the red light at Highway 27 and Chalet Suzanne Road and continued north on Highway 27. REDACTED said she followed the vehicle and seen it run 2 other red lights before slinging THE VICTIM off of the roof of the vehicle. REDACTED said THE VICTIM rolled down the road a few times and then slid for a short distance. It should be noted the speed of the suspect’s vehicle was reported by witnesses to be above the speed limit. The posted speed limit on Highway 27 is 60 MPH. 

Two other witnesses were interviewed who corroborated REDACTED account of the incident. 

I responded to Wawa and reviewed surveillance footage. On the footage I observed THE VICTIM 
standing at the driver s door of the Booher’s vehicle. I saw the vehicle start to back out and saw THE VICTIM onto the running board of the vehicle. As the vehicle was backing out it struck a black enclosed trailer with the driver’s side of his
Vehicle. THE VICTIM still hanging on the side of the vehicle turned his head and looked at the trailer. It appeared THE VICTIM pulled himself up onto the roof of Booher’s vehicle to keep from getting sandwiched in between the vehicle and the trailer. 

Detective Petkevitch responded to Lakeland Regional Hospital where THE VICTIM was transported to. Detective Petkevitch said THE VICTIM stated he arrived at Wawa at 1 o’clock where he and Booher agreed to meet so Booher
could purchase a gold chain he was selling. THE VICTIM said Booher arrived at 1:30 and said he needed to go inside to retrieve money from the ATM. THE VICTIM said Booher came back out and immediately returned to his vehicle and got back into the driver’s seat. THE VICTIM said Booher handed him cash and he handed Booher the Gold chain he was selling. THE VICTIM said he handed Booher a bill of sale and asked him to sign it. Booher told he did not have his license and handed the bill of sale back to him. THE VICTIM said Booher immediately without warning put his vehicle in reverse and tried to leave. THE VICTIM
said he told Booher to hold on but he continued. THE VICTIM said Booher started to turn to the left which put him in fear Booher was going to run him over. THE VICTIM said he held onto the car because Booher wouldn’t stop so he could get out of the way.
said he climbed onto the top of the vehicle to prevent Booher from running him over. THE VICTIM said once he was on top of the vehicle Booher didn’t slow down enough for him to safely get off of the vehicle. THE VICTIM said Booher ran the stop sign leaving Wawa and several red lights. THE VICTIM said him not being able to get off of the vehicle and Booher speeding and driving reckless put him in fear he was going to die.

The way THE VICTIM belongings were scattered down the roadway showed momentum continued to carry him North down the roadway after being thrown from the vehicle. This matches the statements given by the witnesses. THE VICTIM was shown a photographic line-up and positively identified Douglas Booher as the suspect.

Douglass Booher took THE VICTIM Gold Chain, valued at $2800.00, from his custody by force and fear with the intention of permanently depriving him of his property. During the commission of the robbery, Douglass Booher seriously injured THE VICTIM.

The injuries occurred during both the commission and escape of the robbery. Due to the above listed facts, I believe I meet the state requirement to charge Douglass Booher with Attempted
Felony Murder and Robbery.”

Editors note: The bills were found to have been fake that were handed to the victim.

This isn’t the only incident in which Booher passed off fake bills. Here is an affidavit by the PCSO about an incident on July 20th, 2022:

“At approximately 11:38am, law enforcement made contact with REDACTED(victim) at the Della Vita Apartments.

REDACTED stated he listed a gold ring for sale on Facebook marketplace for $300. He received a responde from Doug Booher about purchasing the ring. After communicating with Booher, he agreed to meet him in front of the Della Vita apartment office.

REDACTED arrived at Della Vita apartments near the front office and meet with Booher. He was able to identify Booher through his photos on Facebook. REDACTED stated that Booher inspected the ring and then gave him three $100 bills.

REDACTED put the $300 in his pocket and Booher began walking away, Booher then began to run. REDACTED became suspicious and checked the bills, discovering them to be fake souvenir money.
The following is clearly printed on the $100 bills;
“it’s not the monev, it’s a joke’ “SOUVENIR OF AMERICA”.

There is also several writings on the $100 bills in what appears to be Russian;
“fa Baeyaony readdafui noaäñòan”, Not a means of payment (translated from Russian to English)
“Éliey”, Copy (translated from Russian to English).

REDACTED was able to provide the following evidence;
-A photograph of the stolen ring
-Three false bank bills given to him as payment from Booher.
-Facebook profile pictures of Booher and a book in photo of Booher he found online.
The photos were included with the original report, the three false bank bills were collected by the reporting deputy and placed it into evidence at the central substation.

July 27th, 2022
At approximately 8:44am, a photo lineup was presented to REDACTED by an Independent Administrater, Booher was identified by REDACTED. Following the photo lineup, a recorded statement was obtained. The photo lineup and
recorded statement were placed into evidence.

July 29th 2022
Based on my investigation. I determined Booher passed three one hundred dollar false bank bills as a payment to another person (REDACTED) for a gold ring valued at $300. Booher’s intent was to defraud REDACTED of his property.

A complaint affidavit was completed on Booher charging him with uttering false bills and petit theft.

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