Polk County Public Schools News Release
Polk County Public Schools is moving forward with Controlled Open Enrollment (COE) for the 2024-25 school year.
The process of COE gives students throughout Florida an opportunity to attend a school other than their zoned school. During COE, families seeking additional choice options can apply for placement in any school in the state (excluding magnet schools) that has not reached capacity and still has seats available.
PCPS will begin accepting COE applications on Monday, April 1. Applications must be submitted online through Parent Portal. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 26.
Parents of students approved for transfers through COE will be notified by email once the enrollment period ends. For more information, visit polkschoolsfl.com/transfer or contact Pupil Accounting at 863-519-7600 (option 1).
Additional details:
- Applications for COE are selected via lottery system.
- Families with pending applications for magnet schools or career academies can still apply for COE. Accepting any invite (for a magnet school, career academy or COE) will cancel all other pending applications.
- Notifications for COE are tentatively scheduled to go out the first week of May. Families will receive an email, as well as a notification in Parent Portal.
- If your child is accepted to a school via COE, you are responsible for providing their transportation.