Polk County Public Schools:
Polk County will experience a partial solar eclipse on Monday, April 8.
We expect the eclipse to impact Polk beginning at 1:44 p.m. and ending at 4:15 p.m.

Looking directly at the sun during an eclipse, even for a short time, can cause permanent vision damage. Sunglasses do not offer sufficient protection for viewing the eclipse.
Please be sure to speak with your children about the eclipse and the dangers of looking directly at the sun during this time.
To minimize the risk to students, Polk County Public Schools will move ALL outdoor activities — such as athletic practices, band rehearsals, and afterschool care programs — indoors between the hours of 1:15 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. School dismissal times will remain unchanged.
Due to the timing of this eclipse and the potential risk to students, student absences will be excused on the day of the eclipse.
Parents and guardians should also use caution while driving during the time of the eclipse. We urge everyone to be especially careful in car rider pickup lines, and avoid distracted drivers, students and pedestrians.
Bus drivers have been advised to caution students against looking directly at the eclipse, and schools will take necessary precautions to protect students while on campus.
For more information on the risks of viewing the eclipse, you can visit this link: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/
If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school.