New 132+ Acre Development with 666 Lots Potentially Coming To Winter Haven
by James Coulter
With Polk County being the fastest-growing county in Florida, cities like Winter Haven are approving new developments to help facilitate this growth. One new development in Winter Haven is being considered by City Commissioners.
During their regular commission meeting on Monday evening, Winter Haven City Commissioners considered a request by a local developer for a new community development. KRPC Willowbrook, LLC filed a petition with the City requesting to establish the Willowbrook Community Development District (CDD).
The proposed development would consist of approximately 132.94 acres with nearly 666 lots. The development would be located south of Lucerne Park Road, west of Lake Fannie, and north of Martin Luther King Boulevard, NE. The total cost of infrastructure is estimated at $30,274,423 and would be financed by non-ad valorem revenue bonds.
As the city memo states: “The collection of the non-ad valorem assessments may be contracted out by way of an inter-local agreement with the Polk County Tax Collector for collection…[and] the State of Florida, Polk County, and the City of Winter Haven will not incur any costs relating to the establishment of the CDD.”
Furthermore, according to the memo: “The Willowbrook CDD will consist of a five (5) member Board of Supervisors (CDD Board) having the authority to oversee the installation of infrastructure improvements, secure financing, and to levy non-ad valorem special assessments on future property owners within its boundaries.”
While the board would initially consist of representatives from KRPC Willowbrook, as new residents move into the development, future board members would include residents as voted in by said residents, the memo states.
The proposed development would be similar to the seven other current qCDDs within the city, including Lake Ashton, Lakeside Landings, Harmony at Lake Eloise, Villamar, Lucerne Park, Pollard Road, and Peace Creek Reserve.