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Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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Lake Wales Charter School Parent Writes Open Letter To Board Regarding Bylaw Changes Being Made Tonight

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I wanted to share the letter that I just sent to the LWCS board and general counsel. These changes will be voted on tonight. Please write letters, or sign up to speak, to protest these changes, which are not based on any precedent set by any other school system!
The meeting is at 5:30 tonight at Lake Wales High School.

Dear LWCS Board of Trustees,

I read the proposed amendments to the current bylaws for the Lake Wales charter system. I have several issues with these proposed changes.

  1. Regarding the CFO preparing a system wide budget, each school prepares their own budgets based on the needs of their student body population. “The CFO shall prepare an annual systemwide budget for adoption by the board at the beginning of each school year”. The CFO cannot possibly know what the needs are at each individual school.
  2. Regarding the removal of authority and autonomy from the Superintendent to hire exceptional leaders as Principals- “The Superintendent’s hiring authority is authorized through an appointment of a duly qualified appointee. The approval of set appointee shall be final only upon consent of the board. Executive level administrator such as Principals and CFO must be hired through an appointment with board approval”. Where is the precedent for a change like this? What is the reason for a change like this, if only to remove the Superintendent’s powers and authority? Not only that, but it appears this change was made to protect and insulate the CFO’s position.
  3. The removal of language stating that the Principals are the Chief Executive Officers for the schools’ Principals are ultimately responsible for operating the schools on balance budgets. The issue is with the proposed new language, “The Principals are the administrators for the schools. Principals are ultimately responsible for the day-to-day operations of the schools and the Principals are responsible for operating the schools within the budget approved by the board”. Principals have always generated their own school budget depending on the individual needs of their schools. This is a process that has worked for years, is done at every other county in our state, and gives local control to the Administrators.
  4. And finally, the proposed by law changes regarding board member compensation is outrageous. This is an appointed board of trustees. The taxpayer has no ability to vote in or out the chosen trustees. If this is passed, you would be the only charter system in the state of Florida to pay their board members. Further, the suggestion that unaccepted payments are donated back to the foundation creates unnecessary exposure to liability and creditors.

At a time when community confidence in our school system and some members of the LWCS board of trustees has never been lower, the by-laws changes are suggesting that you be paid for what has been a volunteer position for over 20 years. Every trustee that accepts this position should know ahead of time full well what their responsibilities are, and the expectations and commitment of their personal time will be.

Polk County school board members are elected by the taxpayers. There are over 150 schools in the system, not including charter schools and ESE “center” schools and specialty schools. Each district board member is expected to manage and create policy for and vote on issues for every school in the system and is also “assigned” greater than 20 schools in their individual districts. They are paid a starting teacher’s salary.

In contrast, Lake Wales charter schools’ trustees are responsible for seven schools and are each assigned one school that is their school. And yet this amendment to the by-laws suggests you be paid 20% of what PCSB members are paid, with no way for the taxpayer that is footing the bill to vote any of you out for underperformance, mismanagement, or for any other reason.

These bylaw changes clearly remove power from the newly hired superintendent and any subsequent superintendent and increase the power and authority of the CFO. They give more power to the central office and take away power and autonomy from the individual schools. Principals have always overseen their schools, their budgets, and any other issue that arises in their schools. They have always been the CEO of their schools. In no way do I understand why these changes are necessary, other than to give power to people who continue to abuse it.

Lastly, to implement these changes before the new superintendent assumes his position is not only irresponsible, but it is shady. If for no other reason than to restore confidence in our system and the board, you should table this until his arrival.

Here is a link to the entire agenda (Agenda)

The Daily Ridge currently does not have a copy of the new proposed Bylaws.

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