Robbery Suspect Apprehended by Police K9

The Lake Wales Police Department has been investigating a string of 3 armed
robberies that have occurred since April 15, 2016. The robberies occurred at Pizzano’s Pizza located at 1326 SR60 E, CVS located at 500 S 11 th St, and a Racetrac convenience store located at 1740 SR60 E. In each of these robberies an armed black male robber wearing a red hoodie pulled tightly around his face entered the stores, demanded money, and fled the stores eluding arrest.
On April 21, 2016 at 3:09am Sgt. Shawn Smith saw a subject wearing a gray hoodie pulled tightly around their face, sunglasses, and dark pants sneaking up the side of the building and then across the front of the Racetrac convenience store located at 1740 SR60 E. Sgt. Smith radioed the information to other units in the area and all responded quickly. As the suspect was walking toward the entrance doors to the Racetrac he turned and fled without entering the store. As Lake Wales Police Officers and Polk County Sheriff’s Deputies arrived on scene a perimeter was set up around the area the suspect fled into. With a good perimeter established Officer Dale Hampton and partner K9 Badge began tracking the suspect with the support of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Air Unit. The track went southwest from the business to the 1100 block of E Grove Avenue which is a residential area. As the K9 team was tracking the
air unit spotted the suspect and directed the officers to the suspect who was now trying to jump fences in the back yards. The suspect continued to flee from officers but was not able to get over a privacy fence before being apprehended by K9 Badge in the backyard of 1101 E Grove Ave. K9 Badge held the suspect until officers were able to place him under arrest. When Shuler was arrested he was no longer wearing the hoodie, glasses, or full length pants. He was wearing a black undershirt, black shorts, and tennis shoes.
The suspect, who was identified as Trevontae Jermaine Shuler of 1536 Judy St, was transported to the Lake Wales Medical Center for treatment. Officers began searching the area Shuler had fled in an attempt to locate the clothing he was wearing when he was seen at the store. After an extensive search officer located the gray hoodie and sunglasses in a porch located at 1181 E Grove Ave, black rubber gloves in a garbage can located at 1165 E Grove Ave, and the full length dark pants and a 9mm handgun in a shed located at 1157 E Grove Ave. During an interview with detectives Shuler confessed to his plan
to rob the Racetrac this morning; to hiding the clothing and firearm at the locations it was found, to committing the other 3 robberies we were investigating, and to stealing the firearm from a friend of his.
Shuler is no stranger to criminal activity. His arrest record includes armed burglary, grand theft of a firearm, dealing in stolen property, violation of probation, and resisting arrest. As a result of Shuler’s recent crime spree Detective Alvin Maultsby will be booking Shuler into the Polk County Jail on the following charges: 3 counts of armed robbery, 1 count of attempted armed robbery, 1 count of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, 1 count of grand theft of a firearm, 1 count of armed burglary, 1 count
of resisting arrest, and other charges may follow.
“We are thankful nobody was hurt during any of the robberies and that we were
able to arrest the suspect quickly.”
Anyone who has information on any of these crimes is asked to contact Detective Alvin Maultsby at (863) 678-4223 extension 265 or Heartland Crime Stoppers at (800) 226-8477.