City Manager Authorized to Issue Purchase Orders for Chain of Lakes Park Phase II Park Elements
by James Coulter
Renovations at Chain of Lakes Park are currently underway and are expected to be complete by February 2025. Until then, these renovations are expected to be further expedited now that city commissioners have authorized the city manager to issue purchase orders for the park elements in the second phase.
At their regular meeting on Monday evening, Winter Haven City Commissioners voted unanimously on an ordinance that would authorize the city manager to issue one or multiple orders (not to exceed $17 million) for the park elements for Phase II of construction.

“Staff recommends that the Commission authorize the City Manager to issue Purchase Order(s), not to exceed $17 Million for the Park Elements Phase and present an additional agenda item with the architectural phase and final GMP Amendment Contract at a future City Commission Meeting, anticipated later this summer,” the ordinance memo read.
The city has $20,000,000 budgeted for this project within its budget for fiscal year 2024/25. The City of Winter Haven had approved the project in 2023, awarding Rodda Construction as the construction manager and entering into an interlocal agreement with Polk County, “which included a funding plan for the project and outlined certain milestones including having the new baseball facilities online by February 2025.”
Currently, the project is completing its first phase, which involves the structural phase of demolition, as well as the development of final park plans and the review of the Southwest Florida Water Management District Permit, which is expected to be issued later this month.
“The second major phase, which Rodda is currently finalizing bids on are the park elements,” the city ordinance stated. “A third major phase will include the architectural items such as the concession, restroom, ticket office, and support buildings. The buildings are currently going through final design and are expected to be complete later this summer and then bid by Rodda.”