Proposed Re-Zoning Along Dundee Road and Overlook Drive Raises Concerns from Residents about Traffic and Safety
by James Coulter
A 4.89+ parcel located along Dundee Road and Overlook Drive has been petitioned to be re-zoned to facilitate a proposed three-lot commercial subdivision. However, the proposed re-zoning has raised concerns from residents living in the area about potential traffic problems and other safety issues.

At their meeting on Mon. Mar. 10, Winter Haven city commissioners reviewed an ordinance to rezone a parcel from Industrial- Light (I-1) zoning district to Commercial- Highway (C-3) zoning district.
The parcel, consisting of 4.89+ acres, is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Dundee Road and Overlook Drive, SE. It is located within a mixed-use corridor, which includes industrial, commercial, and residential properties.
According to Senior Planner Heather Reuter, the surrounding uses of the subject property, “include a Publix shopping center and commercial out parcels across Dundee Road to the north; Bentley Brothers citrus business across Overlook Drive, SE to the east; the Overlook Ridge Subdivision to the south; and the East Haven RV Park to the west.”
Karen Stockman, a resident of the neighborhood, approached the commission during public comments to raise concerns shared by other residents in the area.
One major concern was traffic. Stockman explained that the area is mostly dark early in the morning, as there is no lighting. During that time, many students from the local schools often travel along that road.
As such, Stockman claimed that any potential development could increase traffic, which could increase safety concerns for pedestrians and drivers within the area. She mentioned the area has been the location of several “fender benders.”
Stockman also raised concerns about the need for another convenience store, which she assumed the development would most likely be. She claimed three convenience stores already exist within a three-mile radius of the subject property.
Finally, she raised concerns about communication from the city to residents. She told commissioners the Homeowner’s Association Board, which she is a part of, had received a letter about the proposed rezoning.
However, nearly a third of the residents in the area speak English as a second language. As such, she requested a letter of notice be published and sent to residents in both English and Spanish.
Winter Haven city commissioners did not vote on the ordinance that evening. The ordinance will be reviewed and voted on during its second reading at the next meeting, scheduled for Mon. Mar. 24, 2025.