More Than 3+ Acres Northeast of Buckeye Loop Road Being Considered for Development of 32 to 44 Residential Units
by James Coulter
Between 32 or 44 multi-family residential units could be constructed northeast of Buckeye Loop Road in Winter Haven if two ordinances are approved by the Winter Haven City Commission.
At their regular meeting on Mon. Aug. 24, Winter Haven City Commissioners considered the first reading of two ordinances related to amending the zoning and future land use map designation of a 3.68+ acre parcel of land located at the northeast corner of Buckeye Loop Road and Palm Nut Drive.

The first ordinance would amend the future land use map designation of the parcel from Neighborhood Support Future Land Use to Neighborhood Suburban Future Land Use.
The second ordinance would rezone a parcel from Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district to Multi-Family Residential- Low Density (R-3) zoning district.
The parcel of land, located northeast of Buckeye Loop Road and Palm Nut Drive, had been annexed into the city on Jan. 22, 2018 and was assigned the current zoning and future land use designations on Apr. 25, 2022. Since then, the parcel has remained undeveloped.
TBBP Holdings, LLC, which had petitioned the proposed rezoning and designation changes, plans to utilize the land to build 32 multi-family residential units–or, at the most, to the maximum number of 44 units at 12 dwelling units per acre, as permitted under the proposed R-3 zoning district.
Upon reviewing the requests, city staff has yielded the following conclusions:
• The proposed Neighborhood Suburban Future Land Use and R-3 zoning district is consistent with surrounding uses and designations; and
• There is sufficient public infrastructure capacity to accommodate the proposed development, as well as the maximum theoretical development, under R-3.
City Commissioners did not vote on the first reading of either ordinance. Both ordinances will be voted upon at their second reading at the city commission meeting on Mon. Sep. 10.