AED Donated to VFW Post 4289 Winter Haven in Honor of Beloved Business Man Tim Leopard
by James Coulter
In life, Tim Leopard, the late owner of The Apple Lounge & Grill in Winter Haven, was a big supporter of his local community. He was especially a patriotic fellow who supported veterans. So, what better way to honor his memory than a donation to a local Veterans of Local Wars (VFW) organization?
On Tuesday evening, the Leopard Legacy Foundation, the non-profit created in honor of Tim Leopard, presented an automated external defibrillator (AED) to the VFW Post 4289 in Winter Haven.

The AED was donated through Culpepper’s Cardiac Foundation (CCF), a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting local first responders and other emergency personnel.
Melanie Brown Culpepper Beilke, CCF Founder, and her group of volunteers presented the AED, installed it, and offered a brief demonstration on how to use it.

Melanie was a close friend of Tim’s. On her Facebook page, she expressed how honored she was to help continue his legacy by donating and installing the AED in his honor.
“Tim Leopard was a good friend to me and so many others in this town,” she said. “He always showed his support to me in any event I had going on as well as he did so much for our community. One of Tim’s main passions was to support our Vets so Leopard’s Legacy was honored to be able to place one at this location.”
CCF was founded four years ago following the untimely passing of Melanie’s late fiancée, Michael Culpepper, who passed away from cardiac arrest. Not wanting anyone else to suffer a similar fate, she started her organization to raise proceeds to donate AEDs across Polk County.
Since its inception, CCF has donated and installed more than 40 AEDs to local businesses and establishments, including Grove Roots, Aubundale Speedway, and Margariatville Auburndale.
In March, Melanie had been contacted by Spencer Coake, the police officer on duty the day of Culpepper’s passing, to have an AED donated to the VFW. With Leopard’s Legacy wanting to “pay it forward” by donating an AED, the VFW seemed like the best location for it, Melanie explained in her Facebook post.

Coake has been a member of the VFW since 2022. He was also a close friend of Culpepper, who worked as a security guard at Old Man Frank’s. So, donating the AED to the VFW in memory of a close associate felt like a real honor, he said.
“I’m honored to be a part of this placing because of how close me and Culpepper were,” he said. “I would visit him all the time as a security guard at Old Man Franks. So, knowing that an AED is at the VFW where my dad spent time and now, I spend a lot of time makes me feel close to him again knowing that he’s around watching over all the VETs.”
Lindsay Leopard, the wife of Tim Leopard, and the founder of Leopard’s Legacy, was likewise honored to have her husband’s legacy recognized at the VFW through the AED. She claimed that her husband would likewise be honored by the donation.
“We are blessed to have been given the opportunity to be part of this,” she said. “Leopard Legacy is honored to be able to provide you all with the ability to possibly save someone’s life. Timmers [Tim Leopard] would have felt honored as well to help with assisting Veterans to have this tool to save lives.”
Danny Murphy, the VFW president, appreciated how Tim Leopard gave back to the community. So having an AED donated to the VFW seemed like a fitting memorial for his legacy, Murphy said.
“The Apple Lounge and the Winter Haven VFW has always supported each other with charity events,” he said. “No words can truly be enough about the CCF. Melanie and her team have worked so hard to make this a reality. Her story is inspiring. From a vision in mourning to where it is now is amazing.”
Donnie Harp, a board member with Leopard Legacy, felt honored to cooperate with the CCF to make this donation: “Melanie has always given back to the community for many years. I think it is a great thing she is doing with the CCF team and hope she can continue to do it for many years to come.”
Benjamin and Terry Bence, board members of Leopard’s Legacy, likewise expressed gratitude about their organization honoring Tim Leopard through this donation.
“I personally feel honored to be part of Leopard Legacy and to be able to carry on with the vision Timmers had to help the Men and Women who gave service to our country,” Bence said. “Seeing the VFW, the Culpepper Foundation, and Leopard Legacy come together and show how much they care for each other and our community, I am blessed and inspired by being a part of this AED installation and hope to be involved in helping place many more.”
To learn more about Culpepper’s Cardiac Foundation, visit their Facebook page: